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Abra 652 Iron Man 19B ET

DOB: 2-6-14

TH 71U 719T Mr. Hereford 11x

TH 67W 11X Brave Heart 65Z 

TH 165S 45P Primrose 87W 



Golden-Oak 4J Maximum 28M 

H H Jewel 113 ET 

HH Miss Advance 5139R ET

HRP THM Victor 109W 

RHF 964 Victra 4057 

NJW 1Y Wrangler 19D 

KBCR Dominette 9112


DR World Class 517 10 

Glengrove Naomi N21

Genetic Blitz 434V 0901 

Glengrove Megan L13 

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This herd sire was added to our line up in 2015 Iron Man 19B. When the new MHA membership directory came out in March of 2015 Barb and I noticed the cow on the top left hand side of the Abrakadabra Cattle Company ad on the back cover, We both said, wonder if they have any bulls out of that cow Jewel. Things slowed down a little but and we were able to make a visit to Columbia, Mark first showed us the three full brothers that were there 2015 National Western Stock Show Pen of Three. The 19B bull was horned and the other two were polled. The two polled bulls were sold and they were planning on using 19B. I very quietly looked at the bull really hard thinking the only thing I might change is to make him a half a frame score larger. He got high marks on a 21 item inspection list. We are very excited to own this herd bull, his first calves are exciting, I really don’t feel he is a prospect; I know he is a herd bull. We feel he will bred more growth than his 6.2 frame score and he has. The bulls are the commercial cattle mens kind and the females all make replacements.  Check out his milk and growth EPD, very exciting tracing to 719T and Tank on the sire side and Maximum and the Line one Holden cow on the dam side makes this bull a cow making bull. His 42.5 scrotal measurement allowed him to pass his semen test before he was 11 months of age. They are large, totally red and hanging straight as you will find. As you can see he is dark red to the toe and is slick haired. His head and shoulder shape is designed for calving easy. This bull has a long hip and wide top caring his thickness into his lower quarter. Our business is making commercial cattlemen’s bulls and outstanding females and we feel this guy has done both very well. We think you will like what he has to offer. Inspect his first calf crop in our 2016 sale was expected very well as they were in 2017 and 2018. 

​Semen Available: $25-Straw $60- Per Certificate



Schu-lar 5N OF 9L 3008 

Schu-lar 208 OF 1H 121 

MSU TCF Revolution 4R 

JW 718 Victoria 9106 


Remitall Boomer 46B  

PW Victoria 964 8114 

CMF 103T Victor 262D 


Schu-lar On Target

KCF Bennett Encore Z311 ET 

KCF Miss Revolution X 338 ET 



PW Victor Boomer P606  

KBCR P606 MS Dom 618 

KBCR 262D MS DOM 101

DOB: 1-28-16

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JDH Z311 Insight 30D ET 

Semen Available: $25-Straw $60- Per Certificate

Once again we found a powerful cow that had a bull calf sired by Z311. This Encore son has nearly all the pieces of the puzzle. While at the 2017 National Western Stock Show Makayla and Journagan Ranch/ Missouri State University Manager Marty Lueck found this power calf in the Delaney/Atkins carload. Here’s a prospect that has the look, he is a very sound in his structure. This deep sided bull has extra muscle from behind and down his top. When buying a herd bull prospect you like to have the extra’s and he does. You have to appreciate the flank in this bull, large nearly all red testicles and pigment on both eyes. He is very conservatively marked. We feel he has as much power as you may find in a prospect. If this isn’t enough of a reason to name a bull Insight, let’s look at his numbers! Wow what a prospect that we are very excited about and feel honored to own this bull with Journagan Ranch/ Missouri State University and Delaney Herefords! We bred several cows and heifers to him in the spring of 2017 and those calves were all featured lots in our 2018 sale, with a even more exciting set of calves born in the fall of 2018! This could be one to keep your eyes on!



Hyalite on Target 936 

R Leader 6964 

R Miss Revolution 1009 



CRR 719 Catapult 109   

KJ BJ DWE 686Z Salsa 364C ET 

KJ 968R ZSA 686Z ET 


Schu-lar On Target 22S 

Hyalite TS Lass 310 

MSU TCF Revolution 4R 

R Miss Wrangler 3007 


DR World Class 517 10 

Glengrove Naomi N21

Genetic Blitz 434V 0901 

Glengrove Megan L13


DOB: 4-12-17

C&L RR KJ 364C Jalapeno 973E

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You might say here’s another Leader son. We can say yes and also a mover and a shaker! Yes he looks like his photo, flawless!! He was the youngest bull in the 2018 Kevin Jensen bull sale, passing his semen test at ten months of age and making the bull sale. This Leader son is backed by one of Jensen’s best cow families. His dam was a first calf heifer sired by Catapult out of the outstanding Revolution 4R daughter. She with Jalapeno at her side were named Reserve Champion Cow/Calf Pair in Louisville in the fall of 2017. Being an April Yearling he was not turned out in the summer of 2018. He was shown three times in 2018 and was named Champion two times. Not purchased to be a show bull but one that has that look that cannot be denied. Not many bulls with his look have numbers, but his numbers maybe stronger than his look. Above breed average in nearly every category. Here’s one we all need to tale a look at. If you need to put some look in your cattle or change the numbers Jalapeno could just be the one you have been waiting to use. This is not the bull that we went to Jensen’s to look at but was an obvious choice on sale day. While attending MSU Makayla had many opportunities and traveling to the Jensen sale with Justin Sissel allowed us to be a partner on this exciting bull with MSU/Journagan Ranch and within hours Reed Enterprises became a partner. Not only a Leader son but in due time possibly a Breed leading Hereford Sire. Not because we own an interest but because of all he has to offer to the industry. Look at him across the board, you do not sacrifice anything. Get involved now, don’t be one of those that says I wish I would have! 

Semen Available: $25-Straw $75- Per Certificate


LF 0125 Victor 7056

TH 122 71I Victor 719T  

JDH Victor 719T 33Z ET 

JDH MS Yankee 11U ET



Harvie Dan T-Bone 196T   

LF MS L03P Temptress 0125 

LF MS L57K Tana L03P


DRF JWR Prince Victor 71I 

KBCR 19D Dominette 122

AH Yankee 10S

JDF MS Isaacs 075 60N 


Kairuru Aberdeen 03 0047 

Harvie MS Firefly 65P

LF 706 4G L76K 

LF MS L17A Energize L57K 

DOB: 3-12-17

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We were very excited to add this JDH Victor 719T 33Z ET son to our herd bull battery this past spring. Makayla had purchased the top selling heifer calf in the fall 2016 Delaney female sale. She is a daughter of JDH Victor 719T 33Z ET. When she calved in January of 2018 as a two year old it didn't take us long to figure out we needed to look for a son of 33Z. The 33Z sons at the 2018 Delaney/Atkins bull sale were in high demand and we were not even able to make a bid. A day trip with Marty Lueck was planned to Lorenzen Farms in Chrisman IL. Several hours were spent looking at 33Z sons and cow families. LF 0125 Victor 7056 was in the very first pen of bulls we looked at that day. This bull really puts it all together very well and backs it up with a powerful set of numbers. The decision was made easy once we got to see his dam. Truly a Hereford power cow out of Harvie Dan T-Bone 196T that is big and stout out of the L03P cow that has done a outstanding job for Lorenzens. Many generations of power cows on the top and bottom of his pedigree. As you can see in his picture he has all the extra's. This bull has the extra muscle and power we are all looking for. Take a look at the moderate birth and high growth not giving up in any of the EPD traits measured, he is solid. Back to the extra's dark red, eye pigment red to the toe, large red testicles and being very sound on his feet and legs. He produced semen at a year of age and walked our pasture and stayed in great condition all summer! A big thank you goes to Justin Sissel at Missouri State University and Makayla for doing the legs work to find this JDH Victor 719T 33Z ET son to add to the herd bull battery. We are very excited to own this bull with Journagan Ranch  of Missouri State University and Lorenzen Farms. 

​Semen Available: $25-Straw $60- Per Certificate


Abra 88X 113 Ribeye 88E

SHF Ribeye M326 R117  

NJW 98S R117 Ribeye 88X ET 

NJW 9126J Dew Domino 98S 



Golden-Oak 4J Maximum 28M 

H H Jewel 113 ET 

HH Miss Advance 5139R ET


KCF Bennett 3008 M326 

HVH Miss Hudson 83K 8M

CL 1 Domino 9126J 1ET

NJW 57G 74G DEW 5M 


Kairuru Aberdeen 03 0047 

Harvie MS Firefly 65P

LF 706 4G L76K 

LF MS L17A Energize L57K 

DOB: 12-19-17

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I have always said life is made of opportunities. Here is truly a great opportunity that we are so excited to be a part of. In this business you must be looking all the time to find something to make what you have better. This bull was spotted when he was ten months old by myself and Marty Lueck. We found a stout bull calf that showed a word of performance, he was slick haired, tight sheath and packed full of red meat. You can really sum it up when you say here is a smooth polled 88X son out of Jewel. If you know anything about his parents you might say here’s a legend in the making. We were told by Mark and Terry that he would be for sale in Denver 2019 but not before then. Not getting to excited and laying low was the approach that paid off. It is in possible for me to make a trip to Denver, I was at home dealing with the 2019 winter, feeding cattle not even thinking about Denver. Yes Makayla was there helping another breeder in the yards with not any extra time to look around! While on a call with Marty Lueck after he returned home. I asked did you see anything interesting? He replied the 88X son out of Jewel was my favorite. I said oh my I forgot all about him dealing with this winter weather. I then asked did they sell him and he said not yet! I asked do you care if I text Terry? Marty replied go for it, I am in!I feel I can say the deal was pretty well done within the hour pending a visit in a few days to put my eyes on him again. Folks here is a truly exciting Hereford bull! This is the kind that will keep you in the business. He was passed over by some of the top breeders in our breed and I want to thank them for that. He is a maternal brother to our Herd Sire Iron Man 19B we feel like we have an ideal as to what’s to come! Somewhat dark red, red testicles, red to the toe, pigment on both eyes, moderate framed full of guts and thick. That almost describes him as perfect. He is owned with MSU/Journagan Ranch and Abrakadabra Cattle Company. 


RH Yeti 1720

JDH Victor 719T 33Z ET 

JDH 13Y 33Z Champ 45B ET 

JDH MS 117R Ribeye 13Y ET 



LJR P606 Ultra 350U 

RH Sammie R121 

RH Betsy 808R 

DOB: 1-30-17

TH 122 71I Victor 719T 

JDH MS Yankee 11U ET 

SHF Rib Eye M326 R117 

JDH MS P606 Boomer 20R 


PW Victor Boomer P606  

LJR Genetic Queen 65M

LH Dsignr 620

RH Cassie 638R

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